I don't think I've ever felt this poor. Here I sit, opening my Hamtaro hammy bank (as opposed to piggy bank, obviously), to try to find as many quarters as possible so that I can park on campus and take my second grueling Ancient Greek exam of the semester. Life is not fair, especially when you have to resort to depriving your poor Hamtaro of his coins.
Lately, I've had a lot to say and not a lot of time to say it. I have so much to say about Octomom and the wily chimp who bit the face off of that woman! Oh yeah, and the freaking visitor parking on campus and how it's a gigantic rip off. If only I didn't hate walking so much...
octomom makes me want to shoot her in the face. she's ridiculous.
(her dad is on oprah tomorrow. a must see. i'm tivo-ing it. haha!)
ps - i like your banner at the top with the cute kitties!!! :-)
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