
Posted by My Name is AJ at 9:17 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My boyfriend, Derek, just left for Korea.  He will be there on a ship for 5 months.  This sucks.  It doesn't help that I am also sick and have less energy than I usually do (which is not a lot to begin with).  Also, one of my pretty fishes died last night.  What is wrong with this world?! 

My name is Alexis and I'm a pet addict.  I don't know why, but I have always found myself wanting to adopt all the animals I see.  I go on Craigslist's pet listing and I constantly want to get the poor little dogs, kitties, bunnies, roosters, and whatnot that people are getting rid of because they're mean and awful and suck at caring for things.  

Right now I am looking at a rooster.  Roosters look like they could be such cute pets!  I also just got three - THREE - salt water fish tanks.  I am waiting to get more fishes for them because two of them are empty and one of them just lost a fish.  He was cute, all black with little domino dots, and then he turned grey and died.  :( 

Sigh.  The police just came by because some retard that is visiting the people who live downstairs parked in our spot with a gigantic GMC truck.  I hate when people park in our driveway.  I hate when people park in our driveway and that causes me not to be able to park in my own garage.  I hate a lot of things right now.  


Allison said...

I'm the same way about animals. There's this stray cat that wonders by my parking spot at my apartment, and he's so afraid of humans that he runs away whenever I try to approach him.

I've now started carrying food with me wherever I go, so I can toss it to the kitty to eat. I just wish he wasn't so afraid, so I could pet him and take him with me!