Scrounging for Money

Posted by My Name is AJ at 9:29 AM

Friday, February 20, 2009

I don't think I've ever felt this poor.  Here I sit, opening my Hamtaro hammy bank (as opposed to piggy bank, obviously), to try to find as many quarters as possible so that I can park on campus and take my second grueling Ancient Greek exam of the semester.  Life is not fair, especially when you have to resort to depriving your poor Hamtaro of his coins.

Lately, I've had a lot to say and not a lot of time to say it.  I have so much to say about Octomom and the wily chimp who bit the face off of that woman!  Oh yeah, and the freaking visitor parking on campus and how it's a gigantic rip off.  If only I didn't hate walking so much... 


Posted by My Name is AJ at 10:09 PM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I vaguely remember when they aired the first "Survivor" series.  It seems like so long ago, but maybe that's just because they've had so many freakin' versions since then.  

I propose that the next one they do is some place unlike they've ever done it before.  Like... Survivor: Compton or Survivor: Harlem.  Instead of giving them those stupid challenges and making them eat rats, we can see who will really survive.  

Now that's what I call entertainment.  

The Good Flavors

Posted by My Name is AJ at 6:43 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009

I take vitamins, but the tablets you swallow tend to make me throw up.  Pleasant thought, I know.  So, to remedy the situation, I take children's chewable vitamins.  Usually Flintstone's shaped ones, but right now I have a bottle of Sponge Bob Squarepants vitamins.  

Every time I take one, I find myself wondering why the manufacturers even bother putting in those darn orange and purple vitamins.  I mean, I can surely tolerate taking the orange and purple ones.  But do I prefer to?  No.  I prefer the red ones.  Just like everybody else.  

I think that more companies should go the way of Swedish Fish.  What does this mean, you ask? Well, Swedish Fish (the candy, not actual fish from Sweden) used to come in a few different colors/flavors.  Red, orange, yellow, green.  Now, when I buy them I can only find them in ONE color: red.  This pleases me, as red is the only flavor that I want to eat of the bunch.  

My most recent purchase of Swedish Fish made me realize that more companies should follow suit and only include the good flavors in their variety packs. This means any flavor that people tend to eat all of first, leaving the unloved colors behind.   

Of course, I am sure there is some jerk face out there who PREFERS the unpopular flavors and ruins my entire argument for only including the yummy flavors.  Regardless, I will take joy in the fact that I never have to waste a Swedish Fish again.  


Posted by My Name is AJ at 2:19 PM

Hello folks.  And by folks, I probably mean Lauren and Ami.  

Anyway, I decided to start a blog so I could rant about things that pop into my head.  I like blogs like that the best, where you are subjected to little bits of an insane person's psyche.  

As I sit here through the day, I often find myself having random thoughts that I think others might appreciate.  

Of course, I am probably wrong and everyone other than Lauren and Ami - who like my mother, like everything I do - will promptly remove this blog from memory.  

Thoughts arriving soon.